Saturday, February 1, 2014

A quick visit to Roxas

I went to Capiz to visit my lolo whom I havent seen for a decade. 

Since its the end of the month, i dont have budget for so i just took a RORO ride with papa. I can say that this is the haggardest experience ever. You have to ride a bus going to Batangas port, ride a Roro boat going to Calapan, Mindoro Port, 4 hours bus going to Roxas Mindoro Port, from Roxas Mindoro Port going to Katiklan Port and finally, a bus ride going to Roxas City, Capiz. 

Can't imagine what I've been through. A very adventurous yet enjoying ride. Despite the long travel, I've finally seen my lolo. He gave me a kiss at the cheeck and hug me tight so its quite emotional. 

Before going back to Manila, my cousin and I went to Baybay Beach to eat seafoods.

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